Showing posts with label Indonesia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesia. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Luwak Coffee or Civet Coffee at Bandar Sastranegara Hussain Airport, Bandung

The Floating Market, Lembang, Bandung

Ranca Upas, Air Panas Theme Park, Bandung

Patenggang Lake. Bandung

Kawah Putih Volcanic Crater, Ciwidey, Bandung

Kawah Putih is a striking crater lake and tourist spot in a volcanic crater about 50 km south of Bandung in West Java in Indonesia.
Kawah Putih lake is one of the two craters which make up Mount Patuha, an andesiticstrato volcano (a "composite" volcano). Mt Patuha is one of numerous volcanoes in Java. Kawah Putih crater lake itself represents a relatively stable volcanic system with no records of significant activity since around 1600.



D'Ream Resort, Ciwidey 25 Km., Bandung

Pandit Venkatesh Kumar and Raag Hameer